A Silver Speck in the Darkest Night | Teen Ink

A Silver Speck in the Darkest Night

January 1, 2015
By ViviH BRONZE, Woodbury, New York
ViviH BRONZE, Woodbury, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Those who truly care about you are the ones who overlook the stars above your surface to see the even brighter stars beneath your surface.
Every time you fall is an opportunity for you to open your arms, spread your wings, and fly as high as you can.

Trapped within blockaded walls
Feeling the bitter, cold rainfalls
Wilted petals on shriveled flowers
Barriers and trenches of evil powers


Shadows casting upon souls
Fate extending beyond controls
Cacophonous sounds ringing in ears
Acrid odors yielding tears

Skies darkening, more and more
Turbulent waves crashing the shore
Sinister laughter convulsing the ground
Lightning demolishing everything around


Weapons tearing souls apart
Scars and bruises prolonging in hearts
Raindrops cascading the sky
The lugubrious night starts to cry

But still, one small thing to see
Up above the tallest tree
Drowsy dreary eyes awoken
Salient silence still and unbroken


Even through the pain I beam
As something stunning starts to gleam
So far away, yet shining so bright
A silver speck in the darkest night


Day and night

With all my might
Reaching and jumping
My heart thumping


Trapped within an inner brick wall
Feeling the raindrops as they fall
Surrounded by arrows and fears
Covered with bruises, scars, and tears

But still, reaching and jumping
My heart still thumping
With the thunder’s roars
My adrenaline soars


Pounding hard against the wall
Hoping the pieces will shatter and fall
My vision blurs; clarity I plea
But still, the star is all I see

My heart thumping

Reaching and jumping
Higher and higher
Burning like fire


Ascending to the top of the skies
Seeing the world beneath my eyes
The speck impossible to ignore
As I open the final door

Realizing I’m not so far
Reaching up to touch the star
First it burns my hands apart
Then a bubbling in my heart


As I hold it in my hands
Its luminescence upon the lands
The atrocious scene starts to fade
I’m no longer within my inner blockade

The speck no longer very small
No longer even a speck at all
In my hands it starts to grow
So much radiance to bestow


Fluorescence twinkling upon the earth
A new era, just at birth
Battered pieces now unbroken
Every soul on earth awoken

Starlight rays for all to share
Jubilation in the air
A medley of music the soft breeze sings
As fireflies flutter, tranquility rings


Colorful flowers upon the ground
Exhaling diversity all around
No longer bitter storms of war
Peaceful waves upon the shore

Tumult escaping the mellow sky
Purple clouds forming in reply
Mountains of courage and aspiration
Emitting more stars of inspiration


Maleficent walls and barriers broken
Unheard banter finally spoken
Upon the world a beautiful blessing
Hearts and souls now coalescing

A magnificent, enchanting scene
One that manifests merry mien
But still, in the serene night
The silver speck shines, oh so bright

The author's comments:

This poem has lots of room for interpretation by the reader.  It is about believing in yourself.  It is about never giving up.  It is about facing your challenges head-on and knowing that every dark sky has stars that will shine when the time is right.

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