I am a Sock | Teen Ink

I am a Sock

December 17, 2014
By VicSypniewski GOLD, Ormond Beach, Florida
VicSypniewski GOLD, Ormond Beach, Florida
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am the key to total comfort. Come to me with every piece of doubt you tend to harbor. I am the warmth you desire when the sun goes down and you have s tendency to see the cruel coldness in the world. I am matchable to any situation I am thrown into even without a similar pair to lean on. I am a necessity to have with you each day when you venture off to the unknown and are in need of a companion to keep you in control.
Indeed I am a sock. The sock that covers your heel to make sure that everyone’s journey is made with ease. Tending to always take notice in the lives of others than my own. The sock that is put on with a partner that contrasts my polka-dot pattern with its zebra striped design. Keeping judgmental opinions aside, I mold with others that don’t necessarily have similar interests as me. The sock that slides across the slippery tile floor, even when being told countless of times of the danger Always having the carefree, adventurous aspect that coexists with my initial duties to help others. The sock that gives a sense of security with its clinginess towards wrapping a protective hold around you during times of need and struggle. 
Although, I am the sock that gets lost in the dryer. The one that finds home in the corner end of the drawer. A sock that soon becomes littered with holes that makes your foot peak out, eventually losing the ability to comfort. Striving to be a good influence and friend, I sometimes end up as a lost cause in the battle between myself and the new arrival of socks that are a slimmer fit. The kind of socks that outdid my polka-dot pattern because as time passed so did your taste in socks.
  However, I promise on the Monday morning when the intention of doing laundry lacked the literal action, I will continue to be in my usual spot in the back corner of your dresser drawer awaiting for that signature sigh and that sense of relief that will fill your face when I am in view. I am the sock that you can count on.


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