We Are Not Common | Teen Ink

We Are Not Common

November 25, 2014
By shelbyhw BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
shelbyhw BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We are not common.
We are not check in the box, answer the question, fill in the blank.
We are not circle in the corresponding bubble, we are not a dead-line, we are not a loan we are.
My spirit does not come with a corresponding bubble,
ambition can NOT fill in the blank.
The manila folder with my name printed in bold across the crease will not show you how my brow furrows in concentration, or how my curiosity shines through my eyes.
A test of my pen to paper does not measure my words to a mind, or my company to a soul.
Do not try to see me through the bold text of my name, for it is not nearly as bold as I am.
I am, Human.
I am, Complicated.
I am, More than common.

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