A Second Chance | Teen Ink

A Second Chance

November 18, 2014
By Kimberly Schuetz BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
Kimberly Schuetz BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
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“Did you call Daddy and tell him to start putting  the oven on?” my mom asked.
“Yes I did and he said he got the clothes out of the dryer” I said.
Ahh I couldn't wait for dinner. I was so hungry. My foot was aching from the injection that I just got though. I looked out the window on the car ride home. I saw the dollar store and I knew we were very close to home. My stomach started to growl. I laid my head back against the headrest. I turned and I just happened to look at my mom. I couldn't help but think...wow my mom is the most beautiful women I have ever seen in my life. That when I grow up considering I’m only 12, I want to look just like her. I then looked forward and it happened.
A dead silence. The silence you hear at a wake, when everyone is crying and you don't know what to say. The car came at us like a load. It happened too quick to register what just happened. Then I saw it. Everything. My seventh birthday when I got this barbie phone because I just loved phones. On Christmas day in 2006 when I got a little guitar because my mom loved playing the guitar and I wanted to be just like her. I saw the day when my dad took off my training wheels, and he pushed me and I went flying into the gate. I made him keep doing it over and over again until I got it just right. I saw Lake George New York, my favorite place I went camping with my family. All the memories and fun I had fishing their. I saw the crisp cold nights at the softball fields. I saw everything of me. Everything I was. What just happened.
Boom Boom Boom. The repetitive hits one after another against my window. The momentum was so strong. Like a title wave pulling me under. All I knew was I needed a miracle. Actually no, the miracle would have to be for me to make it out alive. Then I was out.
They say things happen within 30 seconds, but it feels more like 100 years until its over. I opened my eyes slowly. I still didn't register what just happened. I looked straight ahead and all I saw was black smoke, a shattered windshield, and a deflated airbag. Was I alive I thought? I touched my face and kept a steady stare straight ahead. I leaned a little forward. My hair tie was broken in my lap. I was in shock. My hair tie is always so tightly secured in my head. The throbbing I immediately felt through my whole body and especially my head. Then it happened. My head turned and looked at my mom.
You know they say finding a dead body is the most devastating thing to witness. But no, nothing can ever compare to this day and this very second.
“Mommy...mommy...MOMMY wake up..wake up.. wake up..please WAKE UP!”
She didn't move nor did she say any words to me. Of all the moments in my life that I really wanted to hear my moms voice it was now. This very second.
“Mommy mommy stop, please wake up!” I cried.
I quickly grabbed my cell phone and called my house.
“Hi Kim where are you guys? I got the pasta boiling and-” my dad said.
“Daddy hurry quickly, we have been in an accident and mommy isn't waking up or answering me please Daddy please hurry.”
You know kids at 12 years old are starting to figure themselves out. To figure out what road they're going to go down. Some start worrying about if they are popular or not. All I cared about now was for my mom to wake up. I laid my head back and I was in and out. Half of me thought that I can't die. Or if  I do die for not my mom to die. I prayed in my head, as many things were going through my head I found the will to pray. I pleaded to God that if he takes my mother he has to take me. I cant live without her. I can't go one day without hearing her voice. The only thing that is clear to me that I remember is, I grabbed my mom's hand and I said I love you and we are going to be okay.
Next moment I knew I was looking at the ceiling. I couldn't move my neck for that I had a neck brace on, and I could taste the dried  throw up around my mouth. I looked around and saw my family crying over and over again and couldn't stop. The light was so bright it hurt me so much. I looked over and my sister was next to me holding my hand.
“Michele where is mommy?” I said.
“Kim please rest, mommy is going to be okay.”
My heart felt at ease to know my mother pulled through and God gave her a second chance just like me. As I was resting their in bed it hurt to think. All I knew was my mother and I were lucky, and that Christmas was 10 days away and this was the best Christmas gift ever. All I now wondered was how life is going to be for me here on out. Im only 12 years old, I hope this doesn't deeply affect me. That I don't know how to be strong. That I don't know how to face this big challenge coming my way. I thought what is life going to be like? Will my life be ruined forever? Will I have the courage to keep on going when my body says no? Will my life never be the same? Will I leave this hospital being a totally different Kimberly Schuetz? I'm lying here in a hospital bed wondering these things as a 12 year old little girl.  But one thing I knew for sure was that, I am alive and so is my mom. Thats the first step. The step of what might be a one thousand mile journey.

The author's comments:

This was a memoir I had to write for class. We had to pick a 5 minute period from our life that had a lot of emtion adn conflict. This is a true event that happene dto me. I never chared this with anyone of my ttue thoughts when I got into this ca accident. Hope everyone gets the message Im trying to send. That life is to short...so ALWAYS live life o the fullest it can BE!

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