Nightmares that Fail | Teen Ink

Nightmares that Fail

October 25, 2014
By thecrookedneighbor SILVER, Belleville, New Jersey
thecrookedneighbor SILVER, Belleville, New Jersey
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Some people scream but others do nothing but cry.
These dreams haunt and dissect me every day.
Don't let go without a good try.

The wind blows and darkness reaches the sky.
While some arms stretch and pull around our wrist without a say.
Some people just scream and others do nothing but cry.

Praying and moaning has come to die,
as the water soaks their faces and pulls them away.
Don't let go without a good try.

The blood drips red and left to dry.
A pool of leaves drifts by, pushes me His way.
Some people scream and others do nothing but cry.

They are left slow paralyzed and leave without a goodbye.
The rest of us are here, forced to stay.
Don't try to let go without a good try.

For I am here, awake and silent left with a sigh.
I am scared just like them, but here I am day by day.
Some people scream, yet others do nothing but cry.
Don't you dare let go, without a good try.

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