The Truth Is... | Teen Ink

The Truth Is...

October 8, 2014
By EmmaRoseP SILVER, Littleton, Colorado
EmmaRoseP SILVER, Littleton, Colorado
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We are like roses. If you just grab at us, you'll get a handful of thorns, but if you know where the thorns are and why they protect us you won't get hurt as badly.Only then will you appreciate our beauty."

The truth is messy and tangled. Fiction is reality and lines are blurred. Nothing is clear when the truth gets involved. Living in a world of lies for so long is better than having the world crumble around you. Cover your head, stand in a doorway, it's all coming down because truth finally broke that sphere of lies. Surrounded by debris and dishonesty, I rebuild the world around the honesy that shattered it. The new world of truth emerges, innocent and pure. But that innocence is lost to another lie. I rebuild again. Only now I'm tired of rebuilding my home. Truth or not, I'm still all alone.

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