If I Had One Wish | Teen Ink

If I Had One Wish

September 3, 2014
By BlackLavendar GOLD, Millport, Alabama
BlackLavendar GOLD, Millport, Alabama
15 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
I have a dream

If I had one wish

I would use the wish for a kiss.

You may ask me why use it for that reason,

But i'll just say it is my season

So you still may not understand why,

Just know that i will be sastified

All i want is a kiss.

So dont leave me being diss.

All I want is something sweet.

I would like something sweet and my lips to meet.

Thats all I want, thats all i need

Hey I'm Joshua Lee Cobb dont you see,

So give me something tasty

Hey! Hey! Don't be so hasty.

All I want is something delicious,

So why not give a brutha a kiss.

Cant a brutha have Hershey's kiss?


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