Skyler, Goodbye. | Teen Ink

Skyler, Goodbye.

May 29, 2014
By Gwenhwyfar BRONZE, Dayton, Minnesota
Gwenhwyfar BRONZE, Dayton, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We should take a moment and hold it and know that life has a hopeful undertone."
-twenty l one l pilots

You were once so alive
Now you're six feet under
Cause the life you had
Was viciously plundered
By the ones who claimed
To love you the most
They had no clue
That death was so close

You were once a boy
Healthy and free
Carelessly living
No pain did you see
But that boy grew older
And life did thrust
A blade of reality
Into your heart, unjust

Through the years you had
A smile on your face
You always kept hidden
That cold empty place
Where your heart once was
Ripped out and burned
Was this boys true love
For life once yearned

One day I walked in
To your life and we
Became close friends
Forever could be
My love for you grew
But you did not see
I unintentionally left you
Then you abandoned me

On the 19th of February
Your light passed on
Not a word of goodbye
My tears fell upon
The memories of you
And I together
I realized I was to see you never
Never again would I hold your hand
Never again would we take our stand

The recollection of you
Floods my brain
These sleepless nights
Cause stress and strain
My heart skips a beat
When your song comes on
When I sit there thinking
Could you really be gone?

I love you, I miss you
Words cannot express
The confusion and pain
There is no way to confess
But I know in my heart
I have to lay to rest
Not the memories of you
But the pain, now to undress.

The author's comments:
I wrote this wrote for my friend Skyler who committed suicide last year. He has my heart, and he always will.

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