One Flying Dove | Teen Ink

One Flying Dove

May 16, 2014
By Andrea.Michellee GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Andrea.Michellee GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There is no one who truly understands me. I am the only one who understands me. One flying dove with wings spread and soaring like me. One who no longer belongs here yet is still here. One sobbing wish to go away. From here to there they can hear me, but they just ignore and turn away from these cries.

My strength is hidden. I glide above the ground. I grow up and I leave the nest and take flight between the snowy white clouds and land in a new place with no experience but never will i give up. This is my new home.

Let no one forget his reason for leaving, i’d dangle like a puppet in the hands of a ventriloquist, each of my arms tied by strings. Fly, fly, fly doves say when i stay. i fly.

When i am too sad and too weighed down to keep flying, when i am a chick against so many threats, then it is when i look at the sky. When there is nothing left to look at except the night stars shining. One flew and did not forget to fly. One who never forgot his reasons for leaving and left.

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