Feelings From Miles Away | Teen Ink

Feelings From Miles Away

May 19, 2014
By kcnikole BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
kcnikole BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

feelings from miles away

I usually get these feelings from miles away
Like my face turning red
And my hips tend to sway
My thoughts will stray
I should probably get to bed

I usually get these feelings from miles away
Some say its just a game i play
I just can’t get the thoughts out of my head
And my hips tend to sway
But i know for sure that my feelings have been molded like clay
It’s not a feeling i dread

I usually get these feelings from miles away
And the feelings are sure to stay
It’s a warm feelings like fresh banana bread
And my hips tend to sway
My brain won’t rot away and decay
But i know they aren’t something sad

i usually get these feelings from miles away
and my hips tend to sway

The author's comments:
I have crushes a lot, being a 13 year old girl. This poem describes how i feel.

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