When I Was a Child | Teen Ink

When I Was a Child

May 3, 2014
By katertott PLATINUM, Littleton, Colorado
katertott PLATINUM, Littleton, Colorado
27 articles 0 photos 6 comments

I used to have this dream when I was a child. I used to picture what my future would be like. I would have my own car and I would be the captain of the cheerleading squad. My boyfriend would be the definition of perfection and the quarterback of the football team. All my friends would envy because I would be the prettiest girl in the school and all the boys would be lining up to take me on dates. My life would be perfect.

Now. The reality is that I'm a senior in high school who struggles to get up in the morning because of all the pain the daytime brings. I'm the disappointment daughter who has a therapist because she tried to kill herself. I am the younger sister that screws everything up who can't seem to do anything right anymore. And my life is far from perfection..

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