December's Infrequent Cherry Blossom | Teen Ink

December's Infrequent Cherry Blossom

November 30, 2008
By pugjug20037 GOLD, York, Pennsylvania
pugjug20037 GOLD, York, Pennsylvania
10 articles 4 photos 0 comments

He smiled at her
a soft smile
a smile long overdue
for his visits were as infrequent
as a cherry blossom in December

She returned to him a smirk
and gazed upon the man she'd long forgotten:
glasses askew
cheeks flushed scarlet from the cold
wrinkled denims and a tacky sweater worn akimbo
and the gray eyes that had seen better days;
how she loved those gray eyes

Their separation not forgotten
he whisked her into his arms
the eternity of patient waiting
shattered by their embrace
and as she shed a tear,
she thought back to the early years
of past Decembers
when the cherry blossom,
her soul mate
had illustrious eyes of blue

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