Management | Teen Ink


April 13, 2014
By TheSavageLands SILVER, Elgin, Illinois
TheSavageLands SILVER, Elgin, Illinois
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You gotta wear the right trousers if you're gonna be a rock star."
-Chris Martin (smartest man I know of)

Unforgiving as a hospital floor
Fried by fluorescents and bleach-
I enjoy the harsh whip
my eyes lay on your skin.

That pained old ache gasping for air
With a handful of salt and ice-
Pry open my ribcage
and give it a breath.

Now older, now wiser
I can put the reeking into verse
Awareness on my brain imprinted hard
Knowledge is an ugly bruise to bear.

The author's comments:
This piece is about discovering something about yourself/feeling the weight of being alone.

The speaker is trying without success to communicate how they feel. They want to be helped but after not being noticed for such a long time they turn bitter and except they must bear themselves alone.

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