I am a Lion | Teen Ink

I am a Lion

April 14, 2014
By mike.mcgarry25 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
mike.mcgarry25 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The King of the jungle,
Feared by all, when he roars
everybody listens. when he roars
Its majestic mane glistens in the sun

Without its mane, it is like a general without medals
for such a large beast, it runs like a gazelle, not making
a sound, when hunting down its prey

Huntings it;s prey, lurking in the shadows, quiet as can be,
If you see the lion, you better run….. Before you,
become its next victim.

The king of the jungle, sits atop his throne,
everybody listens when he roars ,
because he is the king of the jungle…
ruler of all.

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