Spring | Teen Ink


April 14, 2014
By BananaGirl20 BRONZE, Tidioute, Pennsylvania
BananaGirl20 BRONZE, Tidioute, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Now, is when the beauty changes.
No longer glisten in white,
Like turning through the pages.
Where we now have new light.
With the end of one season,

To the start of another.
The earth can now grow,
Most like a wild heathen.
Now that she can uncover
Her ground so she may glow.

The ground is now soft,
It’s ready for new life.
Each plant tries to find its loft
No longer the cold bitter strife.
Every plant with their new buds,
Their beautiful babies rise,
Raising into the sky
With the wakening of the bugs.
A time for the hungry flies
And we all wish them goodbye.

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