I Am | Teen Ink

I Am

November 19, 2008
By Anonymous

I am alone
I wonder about love
I hear my heart beating heavily
I see darkness and pain
I want light in my world
I am lost

I pretend I’m a cheetah who doesn’t care
When deep down I’m just a cat
I feel week, unwanted, and not important
I worry about my life
I cry myself sound asleep every night
I am like a lost wind blowing across an abandoned country

I understand everything isn’t perfect
I say I’m as happy as a puppy when others are around
I dream of being happy with the ones who care for me
I try to be strong
I hope to be free of my misery
I am the sun, slowly disappearing

The author's comments:
Wrote this poem in 7th grade, and I wrote it based on how I felt at the time. I felt as if I was really depressed and I was slower dissapearing. I hide the feelings by keeping a smile on my face, and laughing when nothing was funny. I never had a true best friend, and the more I thought about it, the more I got depressed.

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