I Drifted Light as a Jellyfish | Teen Ink

I Drifted Light as a Jellyfish

November 18, 2008
By Anonymous

I drifted light as a jellyfish
That swims along whales and eels,
When all at once I heard a swish,
A school, of silvery seals;
Under the water, amongst the light,
Speeding and gliding in my sight.

Copious as animals on land
That meander while dry,
They filled the ocean in a band,
Through the kelp they did lie:
A hundred through the sea did glide,
Fluttering about my very side.
The lobsters around them pranced; but they
Beat the glowing lobsters in their plight:
A man like me can easily see,
One of the greatest joys of the sea:
I stared---and stared---and I couldn’t help
But feel a feeling of never before felt.

Whenever I find myself alone,
Feeling quiet and solemn,
I can hear that great sea moan,
Wishing, only to follow them;
To feel that feeling so surreal,
And glide with those seals.

Scaffolded from “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”

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This article has 2 comments.

on Nov. 23 2008 at 3:45 am
This is cool. I like the title, it was the most intriguing out of all the others on the page. =)

Can you please read

ZeeZee said...
on Nov. 22 2008 at 4:20 pm
Great poem, really nice imageries and a really unique take on a very common topic. :D