Cold Reality | Teen Ink

Cold Reality

April 4, 2014
By LionTigerBearohmy BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
LionTigerBearohmy BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was on the stairway to heaven, looking for the one that
I cared about. And use to call

When I got there someone said, “Can I help you?”
I told him, “Yes, i’m looking for my friend.”
We then moved on past, grassy fields, and wintery-wonder woodland forests.
He then found the one I was looking for, joyful and teary-eyed I jump on
and hug my lost one. We both understand each other as we communicate,
but I feel something tugging at me.
Talking on for what seemed hours, was only a few short minutes.
Then the mystical paradise distorts and breaks away.
No, not yet, I’m not ready.

The image then fades, and shimmers.
Wanting to hug her and say those last and final words,
“I Love you.”

Waking up into reality I then realize that it wasn't real.
But my heart says
It was.

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