The Perfect Storm | Teen Ink

The Perfect Storm

April 4, 2014
By DaisySmith BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
DaisySmith BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
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Sitting outside it starts to smell like rain.
It’s beginning to look cloudy.
Then the temperature falls a couple of degrees.
It’s starts to get a little breezy, and its humid no more.
It gets darker and darker.
FLASH;the lighting is so bright that it is almost looks like day.
Then goes dark again ,as if someone had just turned off the lights.
Soon after the bolt of lightning comes the clap of thunder.
Counting the seconds between the lighting and thunder,calculating how far away the storm is.
Sit and listen to the rain as it splashes up,like a pebble that is tossed into a lake.
The sound of the rain in the gutter is a sweet lullaby.
It was the perfect storm.
After the storm goes it gets lighter.
And There's still the soft pitter-patter of rain droplets that drip off the tree onto the soggy ground.
Now one waits... for the perfect storm.

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