Distorted Reflection | Teen Ink

Distorted Reflection

November 16, 2008
By Anonymous

As the girl sits by the pond
she looks down into the water
to see her reflection
only it is not her whom she sees
she does not know the face
of the creature who gazes back at her

the image is distorted
much like her mind
the girl longs to find herself

the girl she used to be
the actual human being
real and alive

one that can form relationships
and function in this wonderland
with everyone else

but she cannot do it
she cannot find herself
she cannot find that girl
she used to be

she looks deep inside herself
trying so hard
but no matter how hard she searches
no matter how much she needs her
she cannot find that girl
for she is forever lost

the girl gets frustrated
with this demon she has become
and she smashes the reflection
of the monster
that stares back at her from the water

she does not know who
or even what she has become

she does not understand herself
nor others understand her
she is sick of this
she wants out!
she wants the little girl
she used to be
to come out of the hideous beast she has become

but she know not how she will ever find this girl
only knows that she desperately
needs her
and that she is completely vanished
and forgotten
from this world she once lived in

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