The Test of Time | Teen Ink

The Test of Time

March 4, 2014
By Tony Sun SILVER, Beijing, Other
Tony Sun SILVER, Beijing, Other
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What can stand the test of time?
Glaciers, hydrogen, or morals sublime?
Dreadful melancholia with its endless tears?
Or man himself whose life is gauged in years?

All that rises must one day fall.
Neither mountains nor empires can last the Being's gall.
Not Caesar, nor Babylon, nor the silver urn,
Can match the arm of almighty Saturn.

As long as the earth amongst the heavens spin,
Sisyphus bears his eternal burden.
Why must man against man revile,
When in the grand design, all is futile?

Why must man seek earthly pleasures,
With happiness short-lived and death for sure?
Why must man seek that petty dime,
When death alone stands the test of time.

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