Long Live Life | Teen Ink

Long Live Life

February 12, 2014
By Tony Sun SILVER, Beijing, Other
Tony Sun SILVER, Beijing, Other
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The court of Minos has decreed my demise;
Penance and slavery for a thousand years.
For those who are brash, but do not appease,
Shall most certainly meet their end in tears.

The chains that bind me to the rocks,
Are rusted beyond to the sea and spray.
The demon torments and the angel mocks,
To live the life through night and day.

The firing squad and the leaden ship,
They say, await me when the chains are broken.
I shall live the life through peace or din,
despite terrible pain and bloody lip.

I feel it most in my darkest hour,
as the sun dims and the memories fall.
And when the end arrives with Death's gall,
Long live life, I say as the darkness devours.

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