The Torment of Imminent Death | Teen Ink

The Torment of Imminent Death

February 12, 2014
By Tony Sun SILVER, Beijing, Other
Tony Sun SILVER, Beijing, Other
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

With leaden sails all black andsable,
I was put out to sea on this forsaken ark.
The waters were gray like an ancient fable,
And the skies were empty, without eagle or lark.

Treacherous days were replaced by darker nights,
The watery depths and the blood red sun,
Soon pervaded the mind without light.
Man has culled but nature won.

Cruel men were dwarfed by crueler fate.
Neither ice nor fire has brought me death.
The dreadful pain has never abated.
And the angels were gone, only demons were left.

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