The Crash (I Knew) | Teen Ink

The Crash (I Knew)

February 5, 2014
By Dorkcx BRONZE, Sioux City, Iowa
Dorkcx BRONZE, Sioux City, Iowa
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
i have many... "...give peace a chance." -john lennon
“There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.”
― Friedrich Nietzsch
"Live life non-selfishly" -Me
and more...

I knew, I didn’t want to open this letter.
One can never know the things that await,
But things will always work out for the better.

My heart, no longer, is a weightless feather,
I put it on a string and let it hang like bait.
I knew, I didn’t want to open this letter.

I wish you hadn’t driven through that stormy weather
I never knew, for me, you had so much hate,
But things will always work out for the better.

Those things you said, were cold enough for a sweater,
You can never take that back, it’s a little too late.
I knew, I didn’t want to open that letter.

You left me, your heart could not have a tether,
And your emotions made you drive every way but straight,
But things will always work out for the better.

Then you, in that ditch, had forgotten your letter,
Now, for the end, you do not have to wait.
I knew, I didn’t want to open that letter,
But things will always work out for the better.

The author's comments:
I had to write a Villanelle for my college Lit class.

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