Play My heart | Teen Ink

Play My heart

January 10, 2014
By Fariha SILVER, High Point, North Carolina
Fariha SILVER, High Point, North Carolina
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Never let your self down.

I play this game closer.
When I say I love you.
I mean deeply.
If this world get cherished or apart.
You are still mine.
Last time when you say Love.
You don’t even know the meaning of that pure word.
I am begging you.
My knees one day,
I was going to tell me to move on.
But I am still here.
I am living in darkens come and hold me.
You are my breath, my way to inter my heart.
I am getting weak day by day in your dreams and think about you.
I am weaker then before.
I a not who I am right now.
I need someone who can be there for me.
I need someone who can always stand front of my to protect me.
I am alone always.
I am alone now and I am goanna be alone every time.
I am here alone in the people that I never seen before.
The people that here is not for me.
They do everything to save them self.
I am here
But still searching for that only one.
But now I think that nice person is the only one that get hurts the most.

The author's comments:
I play this game closer.
When I say I love you.
I mean deeply.
If this world get cherished or apart.
You are still mine.
Last time when you say Love.
You don’t even know the meaning of that pure word.
I am begging you.
My knees one day,
I was going to tell me to move on.
But I am still here.
I am living in darkens come and hold me.
You are my breath, my way to inter my heart.
I am getting weak day by day in your dreams and think about you.
I am weaker then before.
I a not who I am right now.
I need someone who can be there for me.
I need someone who can always stand front of my to protect me.
I am alone always.
I am alone now and I am goanna be alone every time.
I am here alone in the people that I never seen before.
The people that here is not for me.
They do everything to save them self.
I am here
But still searching for that only one.
But now I think that nice person is the only one that get hurts the most.

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