Frequencies | Teen Ink

Frequencies MAG

January 18, 2014
By Devalara PLATINUM, Landenberg, Pennsylvania
Devalara PLATINUM, Landenberg, Pennsylvania
21 articles 0 photos 39 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Would you kindly?" ~ Bioshock

Broken glass and gasoline, rubber from
the wheels
And pop tunes playing from the station,
into water
Rise. Let's watch the fish, and listen to
the radio

A life of broken frequencies, caught by
the radio
Played on loop as memories, me behind
the wheel.
Remember fishing back in Baku? The
chilly water.

The red-lit sun of traffic lights, glinting off the water
Down below. Mangled guard rails,
static-buzzing radio
Remember singing to this song? Just us,
behind the wheel

Eyes closed on the wheel. Into water.
Sing the song on the radio


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