Boiling Alive | Teen Ink

Boiling Alive

January 16, 2014
By StephenM SILVER, Kildare, Other
StephenM SILVER, Kildare, Other
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Bubbling beneath the smooth
Surfaces of my base,
I try to forget but am Boiled alive
By the tension.

I cry for help in sudden gasps
And strange moods but you
Don't pick up,
Fascinated by the succubus
Of your own physical attraction.

I turn away,
Distance myself
And watch as the city I've built
Comes tumbling down as the
Glacial inferno that envelopes me
Consumes all I have.

I am Pompeii -
Lost in time,
A mere shadow of a past life -

But the Hummingbird stays
And I slip.

The author's comments:
This is a personal poem i wrote trying to hide it's true meaning, can anyone guess it?

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