dont scream | Teen Ink

dont scream

January 14, 2014
By jgfkuyufy BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
jgfkuyufy BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Don’t scream
It just had to be her. I never thought I’d see the day where my best friend was lying in a casket. It didn't have to be like this. It was just a harmless party, plus a little drinking...
The afternoon before: "Come on veronica, the red or the black?" I rolled my eyes. Like she cared what I thought. Britney does what Britney wants. "The black," I said trying to stay focused on her so called "dilemma". "The red it is." she squealed skipping off to the bathroom to change. Tonight the seniors on campus were throwing a huge kegger. No freshman allowed. Lucky for us Brittney snagged nick. a jock that can’t even remember his own name let alone what year were in. once we were dressed and ready to go we headed down the left wing of our building to Brittney's Mercedes. Did I mention she's a daddy's girl? I slid in the passenger’s seat and immediately flipped open a mirror. I took my fingers and scrunched the back of my hair to add volume. Perfect. She looked at me and smirked. "What," I exclaimed. She laughed. "Don’t worry he already can’t resist you veronica," she teased. I knew exactly what she was talking about. She was talking about her ex-boyfriend josh. Ever since they broke up a rumor started around campus that josh was obsessed with me. "Gross," I shouted. I couldn't help but laugh. "I don't take sloppy seconds.” she rolled her eyes. We pulled off and started down this long gravel road in the woods behind campus. We passed the lake and turned into a picnic area with tons of trees. Brittney parked the car. We hopped out and ran straight to the keg and slammed two cups of the “special stuff”. I strutted out to the dance floor feeling like I was flying. The music hummed in my ears as my body moved to the beat. I was numb all over. I turn to my right to see blonde bouncing curls and a red dress heading into the woods with a tall boy following. It must be nick. I stumble back to the keg and slammed another drink. “Wow a little thing like you slamming beer, let me guess boyfriend trouble?” I whirled around to see who had addressed me almost falling to the ground. I felt an arm grasp my waist. “Are you ok?” I looked up to see a large boy with dark brown eyes. “Yeah I’m just a little drunk,” I stammered. He let out a low laugh. “Aren’t we all.” I giggled and slammed another drink. The following hours were a complete blur. The drinks had really messed me up. The next morning I woke up in my dorm with a note next to the bed. It read: thanks for an amazing night veronica, had fun. Love Nathan. I got up to brush my teeth when my phone started to ring. “Hello?’ “veronica have you seen Britney?’ it was nick. “No why?” “last night I took her into the woods to have some fun, I went to go grab drinks and when I came back she was gone!” “Nick have you tried calling her phone said in an annoyed tone. “Yes and it goes straight to voice mail!” “Calm down I’m sure she fine.” I flipped on the TV to the morning news. My jaw dropped. The phone fell to the ground and I started to scream. They had found her body in the lake. She was gone, never to return…
Present day: the bell rang. We all flooded into the hall. I stopped in my tracks. “Hey beautiful.” It was josh. Ever since she died he has been all over me. It’s disgusting. He grabbed my waist and pulled me in tight. He reeked of desperation. “Get off josh,” I screamed. I kicked him in his shin and he loosened his grip. I slapped him across the face and he ran away. I looked down and found his wallet on the floor. I picked it up and tucked in my back pocket. “Jerk,” I mumbled. Once I got back to my dorm I sat at my desk and started on my sociology homework. My stomach started to growl. “The least that pervert could do is buy me dinner.” I reached down, pulled out joshes wallet and started to fumble through it. I pulled out twenty dollars when a little black chip tumbled to the floor. ”What is this?” I picked it up and set it on the desk. A pit in my stomach formed. I just knew something was up…
The next morning I headed to the technology center on campus. AKA a geek’s paradise. I asked the desk clerk if I could consult with student tech support. She led me through a large door and showed me too a tall guy with wavy brown hair and lager black glasses. He had pimples like volcanoes and looked like most guys in middle school. “Hi um… I just need to figure out what this goes to.” He looked at me like I was an idiot.”It’s a USD chip, follow me to the back and I’ll show you to the player.” He led me to a small room with a black box on a table hooked up to a TV Press this slot and you should be able to play it.” He walked out. I did exactly what he said. The screen popped up. It looked like camera footage on a boat from the lake out back. “Why would he have this?” I always knew something was suspicious about josh from the way he looked at Brittney, Full of longing and desire. I skipped through hours and hours of footage until it was pitch black. That’s where it began. It started with josh pulling a girl in a red dress onto a boat. Then the camera switched to that boats footage. Too bad there was no sound. He pointed to a seat on the boat and made her sit. Tears were rushing down her pale face. He picked ip a roped and wrapped it around her ankles and wrists. He attached it to two massive cement bricks. I covered my eyes in shock. Every emotion from her death came flooding back in, along with tears. He made her stand up. She was struggling to from the excessive weight from the bricks. Josh winded his arm back and swung. I jumped in my seat. He started to scream at her but I couldn’t make out what he was saying. His eyes started to rain. He dragged her to the edge of the boat. She had blood all down her face. He grabbed her waist and whispered in her ear something. She tumbled of the side of the boat fading away from the surface. I got up and ran out to my car. I opened the door and sat down when a damp cloth covered my mouth. I felt dizzy. The light walked away from me. I was out cold…
It was dark. I woke up tied to brick lying on a boat. I thought it was a dream… until I saw josh hovering over me. He stroked my hair. “You just had to go snooping didn’t you beautiful.” I shivered. “We could have been happy together, you and me,” he whispered. “We all know curiosity killed the cat.” It was a sick joke. So sick it made my stomach curdle. He lifted me up onto the edge of the boat. I started to scream. Her grabbed my mouth and bit down hard on his hand. I felt a sharp pain in my back. I looked down and I saw it. A knife was planted in my back. I was losing blood fast. “sorry sweat heart you should really keep your mouth shut,” he chuckled. “Let me tell you how this will work, ill get away with it and you’ll be gone, got it?” I began to cry. “you took Britney from me, you and her boy toy nick!” “all of you will pay!” I tried to say something but the words couldn’t come out. It was too late. I felt a shift of weight. The cold lake water hit my face. The lights from the surface were drifting away. I gave in. I let the numbness consume me. I closed my eyes and went straight towards the light…

Some things are just better left alone.

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