Advice to 16 Year Old Girls with Frizzy Hair and Feminist Agendas | Teen Ink

Advice to 16 Year Old Girls with Frizzy Hair and Feminist Agendas

January 10, 2014
By sad-samantha SILVER, Northfield, New Jersey
sad-samantha SILVER, Northfield, New Jersey
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm standing on the mouth of hell and its going to swallow me whole... And its going to choke on me."- Buffy Summers

Stop biting your lip
Your blood is meant to stay
In your body
And carry oxygen
And kiss your bones
It has no place on your tongue

1 2 3
Don’t be afraid to let
Your lungs expand
Don’t be afraid to calm
Your nerves
Pop a Xanax and you’ll be fine
You’ll always be fine

When you feel the gut pulling
Desire to kiss a boy
Kiss him
Kiss him before he realizes
What a mess you are
Kiss him
And then break his legs
Remind him you are a tornado
Wrapped in skin
And your kiss
Just blew him away

Always fall in love
With strangers
Lose yourself in fantasies
Featuring the people on the bus
Or in the mall
Smile at them so they know
They’re infiltrating
Your dreams

When a guy catcalls you
Kick him in the teeth
Show him the hair on your legs
Shove your emergency tampon
Down his throat
Say no
You are not a dog
You are not a prize
You are a goddess clad in
A leather jacket and
Motorcycle boots
And goddesses do not accept

Wrap yourself in poems
Hold them close to your heart
Hide them in your pockets
Let them spill out
Of your mouth
In times of stress
You never know when you’ll need them

Never wish for tragedy
Just so you can have a reason
To be sad

When the poetry stops working
Go to therapy
Follow the advice
You’ve given to so many
Other people

Swallow that lump in your throat
Let it dissolve
In your stomach acid
You will not cry
You will not break

When the boy with
The beautiful smile and the
Even more beautiful voice
Looks at you for the first time
The world will stop
You will only know his eyes
When they pass over you
To the prettier girl on your right
Do not take offense
Your time will come

The author's comments:
Inspired by Unsolicited Advice to Adolescent Girls with Crooked Teeth and Pink Hair by Jeanann Verlee

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