One Life | Teen Ink

One Life

November 2, 2008
By Anonymous

One life,
One year,
One day,
One hour,
One minute,
One disease,
It can be life changing-
Eye opening
Anything you make it
Because you have it doesn’t mean you should quit
Living your life as you normally would
The majority of the time this disease is misunderstood
Having it doesn’t mean to give up on your dreams,
Or Goals,
It just means to try harder,
Live stronger,
Love longer,
And Laugh harder

Cancer can be looked at several different ways
To many people it is considered life damaging-
Depression staking
This disease is what you make it
You can be happy for all that you possess
And continue on your road of success
Or you can let this disease haunt you
Hovering over you like a ghost
Going everywhere with you and influencing every step,

But you are in control of how this impacts your life
You can smile when you feel like frowning,
Laugh when you feel like crying,
Sing when you feel like denying,
Worship when you feel unaided,
And Love when you feel your faith has faded

After all you have one life,
And in it you have each year,
Each day,
Each hour,
Each minute,
And just one disease
And you are just one person
With plenty of strength,
And support

The ghost hovering over so many lives
Clouds them from what they need to survive
If only they would see
That they can fight anything,
Be anything,
And try anything

Cancer shouldn’t hold you back
It should motivate you, put you on track
So continue to push through
And be true
To yourself
Because nothing can change who you are
For your life is like a guitar
Ever playing,
Ever sounding,
Ever striving,
Ever lasting.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this when my step-mother got breast cancer. I want everyone to know that when you get any sort of disease or have any sort of set back you are in charge of how it affects you. You are your own person and nothing can change you without your consent. =)

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This article has 1 comment.

caregiver said...
on Dec. 3 2008 at 11:26 am
I was very impressed with the message of this poem. I plan on sharing it with some of my clients who have cancer. Beautifly done. BK in NH