Happy Diwali | Teen Ink

Happy Diwali

December 24, 2013
By Anonymous

The Diwali has come,
the sad ones are none,
All the jobs are done,
Now time to have some fun.

All the lamps are glowing bright,
All the things are going right,
Fire security is maintained tight,
Nothing will affect to make us fright.

People having fun of sweets,
Some are having happy treats,
Some are still on buzzling tweets,
Someone having enjoyable meets.

Children burst crackers loud,
Some are still in shopping crowd,
Neighbors are still in doubt,
That they should let their children out.

Children hopping here and there,
The fireworks prices are not fare,
No single penny is at last spare,
But when in use handle with care.

All the colony is filled with light,
And still glowing in those bright,
Let the world have a lovely sight,
That we are now without any fright.

The author's comments:
Diwali is an Indian festival

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