I Walk | Teen Ink

I Walk

December 17, 2013
By Provider GOLD, Peoria, Arizona
Provider GOLD, Peoria, Arizona
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live for today, and think of tomorrow.

I walk these dark, lonely roads.
Broken houses and cars on otter side of me
As I continue to walk in silence.
The moon hovers over me like a spotlight.
The sounds of stray animals, of barking dogs
Of cats fighting, of trash cans falling.
I continue, on those dark cracked streets,
As the houses are no longer broken
And the only noises I hear is barking
From dogs in homes or behind fences.
Then I smell a flowery scent and I think back.
I think of another time, long ago, when I walked another street.
The taste of fruit punch and cake still lingered
As me and her walked side by side behind our friends, outside.
Our hands touch for only a second,
I'm about to apologize but I'm shut up
When I feel her hand in mine, soft and warm in the cold weather.
I smile and squeeze tighter, then my smile fades.
For I'm alone, as I walk these streets at night.

The author's comments:
First poem I wrote and that I really kept.

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