My Frustration | Teen Ink

My Frustration

December 17, 2013
By Jesse Mozykus BRONZE, Bridgeton, New Jersey
Jesse Mozykus BRONZE, Bridgeton, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My frustration is unstable.
It is a dark and scary place.
There is no happiness

My frustration scares people.
They are afraid when I lose control.
Everyday the thoughts fill me with rage.
The outbursts alone cause trouble.

My frustration is deep and hollow.
Within me is a lot of anger.
Years of holding back has made
It worse.

My frustration is a source of negativity.
Emotions cloud my mind that only
Shows violence.
I struggle to keep my temper in control.

My frustration creates chaos.
When I lose control people think
I will attack them.
My anger reveals a destructive pattern.

My frustration leads to trouble.
From my mind is darkness.
The darkness inside is the
Source of my anger.

It is triggered when I'm frustrated.
My frustration is like a prison.
I remain trapped within the prison
Of my own making.

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