First Day of School | Teen Ink

First Day of School

December 9, 2013
By TheVoice16 BRONZE, Cleveland, North Carolina
TheVoice16 BRONZE, Cleveland, North Carolina
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Favorite Quote:
&ldquo;Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. It&#039;s a way of understanding it.&rdquo; <br /> ― Lloyd Alexander

I’m late. I’m late. I’m late!
First day of school and this is my fate.
Phew! I’m finally there,
but in the halls I notice the stares.
I gasp when I look down,
for my pants are nowhere to be found!
Surely, this isn’t happening to me.
All the laughs and giggles—I run and flee.
Then I’m fully clothed and entering the classroom.
I sigh, everything will be fine, I assume.
Teacher asks for our work ad I turn pail.
I’ve got nothing and now I’ll fail.
She gives me an ‘F’ and sends me away.
My life is over; it’s been the worst day.
Then I wake up—panic—check my alarm.
Only 6:15am, I’m on time and safe from harm.

The author's comments:
This poem is sort of comical work, inspired by those recurring dreams when show up and you're missing something very important-- in this case pants!

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