Making Me | Teen Ink

Making Me

November 7, 2013
By tdr3215 BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
tdr3215 BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Bare broken bones and beatings beyond belief.
Cynical side stares from strangers on side streets.
Women working, wage less, and worried.
Inequity is a plague.
It feeds and festers and oozes
From the minds of those who don’t find
This kind of abuse to be sad.
Not sad but cruel.
Being worked like a mule
Day in and day out without
Pause… think about oneself.

Look in the mirror
And use a clear filter.
To feel what’s within
A pounding
A calling
A speck of light
And a pinch of happiness.
The perfectly incomplete recipe for a human being.
Rights included.

Judgement is contagious.
The cure lies in Nature.
Regarding her beauty
And admiring her faults,
We begin to understand
Her ways
Each other
And Ourselves.

Calm cool confidence
Can conquer chaos.
Long lasting love
Lengthens life spans.
and what do we do?
We Transcend.

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