It'd Be Nice | Teen Ink

It'd Be Nice

November 7, 2013
By DestiJohnLock BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
DestiJohnLock BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Words are, in my humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic; capable of both inflicting pain, as well as remedying it."

It’d be nice
If I could be myself without the sneers.

It’d be nice
If I could walk down the street with my pink hair
And not be given a 10-foot radius.

It’d be nice
If I could hold hands with my boyfriend
And not have bible verses spat at me.

It’d be nice
If I could wear all black
Without being asked if I’m in a cult.

It’d be nice
If I could show my religion
Without being “randomly selected” at airport security.

It’d be nice
If I could have a lot of female friends
Without being asked if I’m gay.

It’d be nice
If they would care enough
To ask about me
Because next time
Depression might just dig deeper.

It’d be nice
If I could be spared judgment just because I don’t want
To make you a sandwich.

It’d be nice
If I could sit at home and read
Without being labeled as a “loner”

It’d be nice
If I could wear what I wanted
Without society saying I deserved it.

It’d be nice
If people would take my attack seriously
Even though I’m a man.

It’d be nice
If I wasn’t blamed
For the harsh judgement
Of my peers.

It’d be nice
If I could be myself
Without the sneers.

The author's comments:
In this piece, I assumed the role of multiple characters, each with their own issues.

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