Endless sleep | Teen Ink

Endless sleep

November 5, 2013
By Tocsain PLATINUM, Granbury, Texas
Tocsain PLATINUM, Granbury, Texas
24 articles 9 photos 0 comments

I took an endless sleep last night
resting under my half burnt tree
It started with darkness surrounding me
enveloping me until it became all I could breathe
Then swirls of blue and green petals
twisting, and dancing
until they all floated away

I landed on a bed of fire
Flames lapping at my skin
touching but not burning
I felt the heat on my hands
warming, and calming
soothing my mind

Not a single thing in sight, nothing but fire
No noise, no sound
Silence constricted me

I took a deep breath and continued walking,
looking for something that can't be seen

I crossed a bridge, half intact but the end was burnt down
Pieces falling off, slowly charring away

I realized it was a means to an end
The bridge taking place of my life
I slowly sat, waited for nothing
Still no sound, nothing in sight

Suddenly I was back under my tree
This time it wasn't burnt
All ash had gone away

I heard singing
a melody in my ears
Everything is back to normal
Everything seems fine

But when I looked down, flame greeted me
A bird is on fire
All black and red
Smoke arose from his chest

dissolving green and blue

I slipped into endless sleep last night

Now I'm alive in the dead world


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