Te Amo | Teen Ink

Te Amo

October 9, 2013
By Desmondkidd BRONZE, Oak Park, Michigan
Desmondkidd BRONZE, Oak Park, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Me Amore, lust and joy,
So eager, so young, not a toy,
Your heart, your soul, you care for me,
Your words you whisper softly,
Me Amore Come to me,
Show your face and smile for me,
Your pearly whites, they shine so bright,
My heart says yes, but my mind saysno,
Let’s make a decision, I need to know,
Before I leave this room today, there’s something I really need to say,
Me Amore, la Median Naranja,
I am here to stay.

Te Amo !

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