Gone Without Hesitation! | Teen Ink

Gone Without Hesitation!

October 9, 2013
By Desmondkidd BRONZE, Oak Park, Michigan
Desmondkidd BRONZE, Oak Park, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As time passes by I wonder why,
Why you leave me, why you switch up,
Why we trading teams, what’s really up,

Have you always been this way, trading up because you fake, putting people lives at stake,
Laughing at me because you a snake,
Sitting here, I wake and bake,
Talking bout the hearts you break,
Runnin yo mouth was a mistake,
Words you’ve said,
Stories you’ve told,
That one little secret you could not hold,
A friend or Foe,
No one will ever know
No sympathy, no love,
Unaware of the thoughts above,
No hope, no sorrow,
No pain was felt,
Was I betrayed, or was I lied to,
Were you ever real or were you artificial,
One thing that I know is that this is official,
I am leaving you behind,
In my past you can remain,
I’m moving on,
I wonder will you ever grow up,
Will you ever become a real person?
I get the feeling your mind shows hate,
Oh well,
Learn that I am someone to appreciate,
When I’m gone,
I’m gone,
While you sit there and wonder why or is it too late,
No hard work or dedication,
Due to your lack of appreciation,
Rest assured I am gone,
Without hesitation,
I live this life of Contemplation!

The author's comments:
This piece was inspired by an old friend who i could not trust

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