Perfectly Imperfect | Teen Ink

Perfectly Imperfect

October 2, 2013
By Missy.Shiney BRONZE, Brampton, Other
Missy.Shiney BRONZE, Brampton, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't start something that you cannot finish.

Take back the time when the little hand and big hand was perfectly aligned at 11:11.
To when I was not an option, to when a thought didn't include 'Us & We'.
Destiny grew in my mind and didn't expect to hit me like a bullet in the heart.
Bullet to the heart it hit me finding something that blew my persona away.
Correct me if I am wrong but, did you see me stumbling back into your life again?
So soon? Hmmm...eight years is quite a lot.
We both grew from the same pod but branch out into new leaves.
We both been through battles against stray bullets from the head, to the heart.
Now I lay my life in your hands as if it was a light.
You Guard me like I am your Diamond.
You Love me like no limits.
You Caress me, so Softly and Tender.
Dayum, how I can't stop thinking that this just the beginning and forever to go.
Close your eyes.
Ill whisper to you all my secrets and everything that people wish what they can have.
The Truth will always be the truth.
You are my amazing reason that I smile with no endin'
You are the future that I must have.

The author's comments:
After losing someone for a really long time it was hard seeing that person for the very first time again.
Its the poem/ spoken words that i had written for someone after losing them for 8 years.

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