Shadow in the Distance | Teen Ink

Shadow in the Distance

September 23, 2013
By ginac21 SILVER, New City, New York
ginac21 SILVER, New City, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

His shadow in the distance,
This dark night foreshadows danger,
Quiet noise drowns out the darkness,
While fear lingers on her breath.

This dark night foreshadows danger,
As the wind invites the branches to snap,
While fear lingers on her breath,
The moon, so shy and dim.

As the wind invites the branches to snap,
Dead leaves crunch under his weight,
The moon, so shy and dim,
He’s the animal approaching his prey.

Dead leaves crunch under his weight,
As she hides along the brush,
He’s the animal approaching his prey,
Her shivers of loss and hurt.

As she hides along the brush,
Quiet noise drowns out the darkness,
Her shivers of loss and hurt,
His shadow in the distance.

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