Tonight's Light | Teen Ink

Tonight's Light

September 13, 2013
By ginac21 SILVER, New City, New York
ginac21 SILVER, New City, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This window catches the light,
A beauty so very rare,
I pull the curtains tight.

The moon has shown tonight,
The stars are close right there,
This window catches the light.

I have never seen it so bright,
Like it’s been handled with care,
I pull the curtains tight.

A look, I think I might,
I would never think to stare,
This window catches the light.

Its beams disturb the night,
This light I could not bear,
I pull the curtains tight.

See, now this moon is out of sight,
Hidden behind the dark night’s lair,
This window catches the light,
I pull the curtains tight.

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