Untitled #2 | Teen Ink

Untitled #2

July 26, 2013
By Nas_Canlas SILVER, Angeles City, Other
Nas_Canlas SILVER, Angeles City, Other
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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Loving the one who doesn't love you will certainly make you suffer.

I'm feeling sad, not in a usual way;
I'm getting mad, don't know what to say;
I feel alone, sleeping through the day;
I'm feeling weak, no one's here to stay;

When I open my eyes in the morning,
I can see the sun brightly shining;
But later that day, the rain went dropping,
Until I realized that I'm already mourning.

Clouds that are white and the sky so blue;
I have nowhere to go until I met you.
This feeling inside might indeed be true;
No matter what I face, I just want to be with you.

A word, a phrase, a feeling of affection,
Some people call it love, crush or infatuation.
No matter what it is your situation,
If it's true love, there's no bad intention.

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