Broken Spirits | Teen Ink

Broken Spirits

June 20, 2013
By marshamonel BRONZE, Hillside, New Jersey
marshamonel BRONZE, Hillside, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Saying, 'I notice you're a nerd' is like saying, 'Hey, I notice you'd rather be intelligent than stupid, that you'd rather be thoughtful than vapid, that you believe there are more important things out there than the arrest record of Lindsay Lohan.'"

when we are born we are zero years old
just seconds minutes and so on
we share cherubic unintelligible prattle
that to our parents are like tunes and sweet songs

a few years pass and we grow up
we learn lessons without the knowledge of it
how to talk how to walk how to make silly faces
two years old and we do not quit

we get into the stage where creativity flows
where we mix paint together to get brown
and our mommies they smile and shake their heads
their minds giggle but their mouths release no sound

they do not want to be the ones to break our spirits
though in the back of their minds they know society will
that all those you cants and youre not good enoughs
will one day have our creative freedom killed

and most of them sadly are oh so right
we camouflage ourselves into so called normal crowds
fitting in is the main goal of our lives
we are quiet though the voices of our hearts are very loud

are there any of us that make it
any special ninety year olds that are still truly four
there are there are
but to them society often shuts its door

we have two choices in this world
fit in or stand out
what we decide depends on our courage and willpower
to withstand societys mockery and doubts

when we are born we are zero years old
just seconds minutes and so on
our minds are foolish our hearts are fragile
but our spirits can be ever so strong

The author's comments:
My 7th grade teacher was probably one of the most influential and inspiring people I have ever met. That strong woman has been through so much in her life... It scares me to know that there might be so much more that she has gone through that I do not even know about. I suppose all of her experiences prompted her to do her best to make sure that the kids she came in contact with never felt like they had to hide in other people's shadows or dumb themselves down to make others happy. She constantly told the classes in my elementary school to be themselves. She did not want anyone to break our spirits. She did not just inspire this poem... She IS this poem. To whoever reads this, please keep in mind what Mrs. Vasil taught me: You have the ability to shine bright and to go the distance. So do it. Never let go of your inner child or your spark of creativity. Be yourself because, well, everyone else is already taken.

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