The Fall of Icarus | Teen Ink

The Fall of Icarus

June 9, 2013
By Eve Switzky-Martin BRONZE, Austin, Texas
Eve Switzky-Martin BRONZE, Austin, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Falling from above
Screaming through the sky
Heavy wings melted

All I see is death
Escaping with my breath
As the sun burns my neck

I see the sea
Waiting for me
Smiling with glee

I fall with a splash
Plunging in the sea
Seeing the fish scream at me

Tears falling
I fight the water
Watching it laugh, as I fall further down

My eyes close
Finding peace
As my body goes limp

The author's comments:
This poem is based on the greek myth of the fall of Iacrus. Iacrus is flying with his dad wax wings. He is warned that if he fly's to high the sun will melt his wings. Long story short Iacrus gets cocky, and fly's to high having his wings melt. My poem is about his fall.

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