Bathed in Blood: Based on Ismael Beah's “A Long Way Gone” | Teen Ink

Bathed in Blood: Based on Ismael Beah's “A Long Way Gone”

June 9, 2013
By Eve Switzky-Martin BRONZE, Austin, Texas
Eve Switzky-Martin BRONZE, Austin, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was he who held the gun
When she fell with a thud
Laughter filled his lungs
As he watched her succumb

He felt no guilt
Because it was he who loved the kill
He felt just chills
As he left her laying still

Laughing, screaming, and cheering his friends continued to kill
Watching blood spill,
just gave them thrill
and they did it with such skill

There faces cold,
Were hard as stone.
They were barely grown,
But they caused such moans

The boys left the town
Drowned in its death
Where no one could take one breath
Because they had all fell to there death

The author's comments:
My poem is about child soldiers. I recently read a book about child soliders, and it really opened my eyes to how big of a problem it is. This poem is to recreate the disgusting things that young kids are forced to do.

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