Gatsby | Teen Ink


May 19, 2013
By hannahc1 SILVER, Highland Village, Texas
hannahc1 SILVER, Highland Village, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I can't stand this, we need this coexistence.
Everyday I scream at this emptiness inside me.
I am no longer in this existence.

I stare at your light so much it became filled with consistence.
Your married now and far from my grasp.
I can't stand this, we need this coexistence.

Your so far from me and out of reach, expel this distance.
I did all this for you, the money and the house, everything.
I am no longer in this existence.

I will not stop trying to win you back, I stand here with persistence.
Finally your mine again, but not fully. I beg you to leave him.
I can't stand this, we need this coexistence.

I put so much into this, all these means and subsistence.
I would do anything for you, anything to protect you.
I am no longer in this existence.

When I think I finally have you, someone puts up resistance.
Then I fall, fall into the abyss and the pool of night.
I can't stand this, we need this coexistence.
I am no longer in this existence.

The author's comments:
The book Great Gatsby inspired me to write this poem.

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