Acrostics Of The Day | Teen Ink

Acrostics Of The Day

May 28, 2013
By GrantS. GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
GrantS. GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Baby cries in the middle of the night.
Always scaring the kittens.
Raiding the ears of the neighbors.
Kindly silenced by the time I call.

Overweight and shaped like next weeks pork.
Intelligence isn’t something they pride themselves on.
Wearing the water but turns to the mud.
Kinky and crazy and always rude.

Breezing by the nesting flowers.
Up and down suckling on their power.
Zipping around the hive on a oak tree.
Zap me I’m stung by the neighborhood bee.

Mellow to the touch of the mouth.
Instant satisfaction to my tongues.
Lucky to have the money to buy it.
Kettles boil as mom makes it hot.

Glory in the heavens.
Oddly in my mind.
Dominant over our race.

Silenced by the worst thing I’ve done.
I look to the skies for help,
Newly born the instant it happens.

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