Dear Rachel | Teen Ink

Dear Rachel

May 15, 2013
By Destiny_Edmon SILVER, Melbourne, Florida
Destiny_Edmon SILVER, Melbourne, Florida
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My hermana, my sister
my inspiration, my motivation
you, yes you are great
greater than we thought

Death was not
part of your fate
but God happened to
show us wrong

Success, soccer, superiority
all describe you
you represented every color
even including blue

Those feet you had
those magic feet
they played on such
precious ground

Locally and nationally
you were known all around
what you simply did in a short life
some strive to do before they die

You had the swiftness of a snake
but the passion of a tiger
you helped me through my struggles
everything that I feared

At this school that I sit at now
everyone knew your name
now you’re up in heaven above
where everyone know’s your name

Career ending injuries
and people putting you down
you never let them get to you
you never let anyone down

What a great head on your shoulders
and you surely held it high
but now you’re up in heaven
but this is not goodbye

Soccer pals for life
and sisters for forever
for you I will follow my dreams
and never say never

Those so great and famous
like Mia Hamm and Wambach
took your name and placed it on a pedestal
they all now look up to you

We play for you in all our games
every win and loss
You push us through every struggle
as if you were our boss

You are now an inspiration to many
who want to play or not
but you my dear
are so much greater than they thought

We hold your name as a prize
to say we played with a legend
Although we celebrate now
your life did not have the best end

Although you may be gone from earth
you will never leave my heart
now you’re on top of the world
highest on the chart

Going down in many hall of fames
you have finished your journey
but you will never leave my mind
because what you have done to me

Your many names given to you
show our love and desire
they also showed what you gave to soccer
and that was your burning fire

Now you are playing on the best of grass
up in heaven above
but as I said this is not goodbye
this is see you later, love.

The author's comments:
This is an elegy to someone I called my sister who passed away due to an accident caused by a drunk driver. It is very sentimental and important to me.

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