As I Play My Guitar | Teen Ink

As I Play My Guitar

May 16, 2013
By Kylel3112 BRONZE, Denton, Texas
Kylel3112 BRONZE, Denton, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I play my guitar,
I write songs about life.
Some lyrics cut through the air like a knife,
Wondering if I can make it far.
I ask myself if I can become a star,
Or if maybe it can get me a wife.
Maybe I can afford a nice car.
Although being a musician may cause a strife.
Most us musicians get their start in small bars.
We try to keep our dreams alive,
For fame is what we strive.
Although some of us don’t want to be rock stars.
As I play my guitar,
I write songs about life.

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